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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 到多论多一个星期,发着烧办各种卡,找房子,从此开始体验生活的艰辛。打电话找到从前的同事,听到熟悉的声音,再也忍不住眼泪。加拿大让人变的好脆弱。
    • 找到房子了吗?
      • Don Mills/Finch 附近Apartment,交了两月房租,还要等一星期,如果批准,6月15才能入住。现在住在不久前网上认识的朋友家里,五月一日搬走。吃,住都不肯收钱,又为我担保申请房子。有朋友真好,我会永远记在心里。我的眼泪
    • And, after that, you will become stranger! Good luck and take care, friend.
    • 不经历风雨怎能见彩虹,没有挫折的人生又怎么算完整,刚来的时候重感冒,挤在很小的一间房里,喝着冷牛奶,每天东奔西跑,可是每一天我都对自己说,明天会更好。现在想想这点苦又算得了什么。
    • not until you find your heart doesn't break anymore, because it has fallen into pieces;
      not until you find your tears don't fall down anymore, because you have shed them all on this foreign soil, not until then, will you realize that you have survived, not until then, will you look back at the trail you have left behind, blended with blood and sweat, and say , "I am invincible"
      • excellent!
      • Wow, that's quite somting, where did you copy from.... heiheihei, jokeing, good one.