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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 该不该换个地方呆?最近公司又调整座位.得到了一个非常不好的面对走廊的座位.心里难受.本来TEAM里我的座位已经最不好,这次来了个junior,没想到还是把最差的座位给我.越来越不开心了.team 的同伴是俄国人,什么事情他们都讲俄语.总感觉被排斥在team之外.
    • ooop! I suddenly understand my non-Chinese colleagues. (All programers here are Chinese and we always speak Mandarin.)
      • I think we should speak English in work place, even when talking to chinese co-workers,
        we are in a English speaking country anyway.
        I speak English to chinese co-workers in the office, but when I was on a business trip in China last year, I don't speak one single English word, unless I don't know the corresponding chinese terms. Speak the language where it should be spoken
        • Thanks for advice. I will try speak English with my peer.
      • I really admire your guys. I wish could meet a person who can speak Chinese, whatever dialect, to me in work place.
    • 我刚开始工作不久,老板对我说,尽量别在有其他人的时候讲中文,他说那样对不懂中文的人显得非常RUDE。你也应该把你的情绪告诉你的老板。
      • 问题的关键是他们的E文也不好,他们之间讨论工作的问题用俄语方便,讨论生活问题也没必要用英文.我和老板提过,没什么用.实际上,
        • 我能理解你的心情。不过,为这个辞职有些不值,你说能?至少,骑铝找马,找到了再辞,也不迟。“他这么说已经半年了”,并不是说你不可以再说,何况又调座位了。
          • I have asked to transfer to other team doing C++ stuff or JAVA + XML. better than stay with those cold faces. I can understand why our chinese government chose USA not Russia as the closest friend country.
            I tried to invite them to have dinner in my home, since my mother in law is half Russian and can speak Russian, but only one of them accept the invitation. All my other colleagues said they are not so...我们中国人说他们抱团,也就是扎堆.
    • In my work place we all speak one common language English no matter where we come from and what ethnic origin we are. It is the basic conduct one should have in their workplace.
      Other wise you may get a negative performance review in interpersonal communicating.
    • 还是换吧. 不然你的英语水平还得下降, 以后想换就更不好换了.