


  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 国内大陆大学MBA刚刚毕业,会英语和法语的30出头已婚女性,大学是理科出身,到加拿大工作是否好找,是否还需要在加再上学呢?哪位大侠(比如蛋糕大哥)帮忙解答一下,小妹是替姐姐打听,多谢!
    • If her English/French is good, she'll find a suitable job easilier. To succeed or not depends on not only diploma but also one's personality.
      • 加拿大对国内的学位和经验不知道承认多少?有人说那儿经济管理工作都是本地人的天下,不知确否?
        • not really. it depends on your background. I've seen quite a lot managers in financial business who speak english with cantonese accent.
    • If she's good at English and French, she shouldn't have difficulty to find position in government or business.