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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 请问,92年的Acura,手动排挡,19万公里,卖价5500$,1。8升。这个价钱合理吗?
    • Go to any public library and ask for "The Red Book" at the help desk. You should be able to find the answer.
    • I think it is a good price, and a good car!
    • Accura is better than Accord in Honda's family. Honda is a better brand than Toyota in Japan. Toyoto is known to be good.
    • www.trader.ca
    • is it Integra? Integra is a very nice toy.
      • 1。8升怎么会是INTEGRA?估计是专门给加拿大的那种E型巴,跟HONDA ACCORD差不多
        • oops, 那就大概不是了。 Integra偶开过一次, 感觉不错。
        • Canadian 1.6EL came in 1997. It should be an integra.
    • sorry, 不是1。8升,是92年的Integra RS.