


  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / I speak good Englsish, and very confident in interview. Why nobody want to hire me?
    • Wrong place. Come to Ontario, a lot of job opportunities.
      • so nice to meet you here, sw989. I am Ponder, wanna ask you a question. which kind of jobs are easier to be found, in addition to the computer fields? my e-mail : sherry1026@sohu.com
    • 我很想认识你,和你做朋友,我的英语实在太差了,你愿意和我做朋友吗,我可能对你没有一点好处。
      • 请不要这么说。为了"好处"而结交的朋友不是真朋友。
    • you speak english well? I do not think so. Due to the sentence of I speak good english, I believe that you do not study english at home.