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  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 听说先落地再回国结婚的话,那我未来的老婆就在十年内无法申请福利和学生贷款!!!我如五雷哄顶!!!这个福利是指什么?就是说我最好还是在国内先结婚,可我的LP都快下来了,这可怎么办????
    • 请大家帮助我,我很着急,先谢了。
      • For accurate information, I suggest you check the official website of Immigration Dept:
        • 多谢
      • maybe it is right, I recommend you marry in china strongly . why not? I think it is difficult. please keep in mind, geting a visa is very easier than find a job in CA. don't worry about it, take it easy.
    • typo. it is not difficult
    • What you heard is not true at all. Calm down. She just cannot apply for Welfare(jiu4 ji4 jin1). And in Ontario it's 3 years, not 10 years. Besides this, she is eligible for everything.
      • 多谢你的帮助,我还想问一下,学生贷款不受影响吗?
        • 受影响。
          • As long as you've been stayed in Ontario for >=12 months before her school starts, she is eligible for OSAP. But if you are not a full time student and have income, that's another issue, since government loan is supposed to help people without income.
            • shoot. pls read carefully. It is other situation. HI yly why not marry in china. I think it doesn't affect you, just wait some time. Or you will be 后悔!!!!
              • 你指什么会让我后悔呢?多谢指点
              • Before shoot, please follow us carefully.
          • 现在明白一些了,没我想的那么可怕,我是想年底过去,工作一年,然后争取和老婆一起念书。
            • If this is your plan, please pay more attention to the definition about 'pre-study income' in OSAP, which directly affects how much loan you two can get from government for 1st year full time study.
              • 是啊,这只是我的计划,实现起来肯定会碰到许多的问题,但大的方向和框架定下来了就更有信心了。现在我想确定是不是只要我落地满12个月,我的老婆就可以申请学生贷款了?谢谢你们的帮助。
                • My spouse got loan after landed for 2.5 months 'cuz I stayed for >>12 months. If u r still confused, email inquiry to university admission office or study OSAP website(assuming u come to Ontario, Quebec doesn't require 12 months) carefully.
                  Good luck on everything!
                  • Hi guy where do you live now and the yly do ask something about 夫妻团聚。这是两个概念。to yly, if you and your girl have good emotion, marry as soon as possible, just waste some time. I don't know in Quebec.
                    • Let me repeat my words: PLEASE FOLLOW FROM THE BEGINNING. yly hasn't got lost, but YOU HAVE.
                    • yly was asking about the benefits his wife can enjoy! I doubt your Chinese reading ability.
                • 不可以。Maybe in Quebec 可以。if you don't believe me, pls check the website of goberment of On. and QB. I won't answer you again. and if you are confidence you can find a job, do everything you will do. OR !?!?
                  • well, I believe you don't know what you are talking about or you have no experience yet. Go to bed please.
                  • 有时真有一种手足无措的感觉!
    • If you get married after getting landed, you are the sponsor to your spouse. hehe, my parents sponsored me for 10 years, and I sponsored my spouse for 3 years, which is going to be expired earlier than that 10-year-period, hoho.