


  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 一篇文章说温哥华“好大的农村啊”,果真吗?比深圳如何?另外,月薪6000,究竟扣多少税,请指教一番。
    • hehe, then except several major cities, everywhere else is countryside in north america.
    • Still you can say that. I live in downtown Toronto, still I can grow and pick vegetables in the backyard! pepper, tomato, basil, mint, garlic chive... I enjoy it.
      • 今年店里的蔬菜又贵又差,真羡慕sailor自给自足呀。
      • That is the right kind of life i want !!!!!! i just wonder how can u manage your time to do so many thing: working, maintaining this site, growing vegetables, sleeping, cooking, dinning......
        • 同感,不过秩序要颠倒过来,哈哈。
    • 我昨天问一个朋友:多伦多为什么看不见工厂? 他说:这就是农村,哪来的工厂?
      • if any factory is visible, that only means bad, outdated, and non-friendly to environment. nobody enjoys watching factories from balcony!
        • just a joke,hehe.
          • hehe, enjoy natural life!