


  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / First Job: Interview - Confidence (2)
    • very good. go on.... internalization first, then externalize it to others..
    • Very good points. I couldn't agree with you more. reading books will definitely help a lot, but without real experiences, this could bring you some hard time when you actually join the team.
      More importantly, interviewer might overestimate your knowledges or ability upon your great performance based on theory. Thus in later time, you either suffer spending all of your time including evening and weekend in order to meet their expectation or lose the job sooner or later.
      Personally I don't think this is bad idea to push myself to another level, since I am always preparing for suffering:) for those who is not prepared for this, be aware of the consequence.
    • Very good writing. It lets me remember the first code review ever in my life in an American company back in 1999. It took me three times to pass, shock and embarrassment. In the end, an unforgettable gift for life.
    • what a great smart Chinese guy!!!!
    • my IP is blocked due to my comment in your first article, no idea why. but anyway, It is a good article. you are someone who has both IQ and EQ. This would be my last comment in rolia.
    • May I suggest a minor addition to your article. Apart from reading and thinking, I believe discussion is also very important; epsecially with people who do NOT agree with your idea.
    • as my dad always says "知其理,行其事“
      • Good article like "chiken soup for soul", let me think more.
    • 上次说的是“学”,这次说的是“思”,这两部分现在是相对独立的。如果结合起来,就接近孔夫子早就说过的:学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。