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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问有关STANDBY的情况
    • You can submit the application right after you get the FN. If you are qualified, you will get a confirmation letter later. One month later, you will get the interview inform. That's all.
      • transfer my application will take 2 months,and i know standby is using interview chance of other people,if it is really only one month after the comfirmation?are you sure?give me a example plz, thanks a lot!
        • faint, myself. Are you master Tang Monk?
          • sorry, i am not the guy you metioned,would you plz give me more details of you application schedule, I need it to guess how many people in the standby list and decide what I am going to do now,thanks
            • 老特拉福德的荣耀,are you online?
            • 小受,are you still online?
              • no
            • I think I told you all the information you need. What exactly would you like to know now? Read my first post carefully, please.