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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 想请教现在做WEB开发的前辈,目前WEB开发的前景如何,没希望了吗?
    • That is a very interesting question.A year ago it was so promising, right now every thing are cooling down.
    • They are still very hot now, but it's not as hot as last year. In my opinion, it's getting better now.
      • 听说大多数中小型网站基本上使用Linux , php/perl/apache , mysql 因为用不起 Oracle , Java 等大型开发系统. 请问是这样吗? 这样的工作好找吗, 现在 ??
        • 我做了很久的梦,有很好的web设计北京,C/C++ UNIX ORACLE,现在不做了
        • In my opinion...
          Actually, there are some company are using open source solutions, but they are too small to hire developers like you guys. So don't pay more attention on it.

          Currently, Linux and apache are very popular here, but this just for serving static web pages. You still need application servers to provide more features for commercial websites and J2EE is the best solutions for now.
          • How to learn J2EE in a short time in your experience . Thank you in advance . TO learn by the books step by step with the examples showed in the book ?? do u think it 's best way ??
            • How to...
              There are many ways to learn J2EE.

              If you have java experience for at least one year, you can download weblogic 6.0 + sp1/JBoss and go through petstore example. If you think it's too hard for you, then you should read more tutorials and specifications on java.sun.com. When you encounter a specific question, www.theserverside.com is the place to find answers.

              Good luck,

        • hi,有谁知道Coldfusion在这里如何?
          • 有人在用,但不多。Search jobs by ColdFusion, and you will get an idear