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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 请教加拿大前辈:我听说,加拿大本地人尤其白人并不愿做程序员,程序员基本由亚洲人做。T or F? 最近大的IT企业裁掉的人员中,程序员比例有多大?在加拿大,如果死心塌地做程序员,大概能做到多大年纪?(我这里说的程序员,是VC++程序员)
    • 这年头你不想向上走,个人的作用总是有限的,等你工资到了一定的程度就是公司的负担,下次LAYOFF就是你!
      • IT行业工作10年和5年的经验没有什么差别,年纪大了脑子笨了还拿高薪,不LAYOFF你LAYOFF谁?
      • 若非君言,肠子几自误!
      • 并不是不想向上走,总不见得所有PROGRAMMER都能成为ARCHITECT吧?这些人的前途在那里呢?
      • 要是遇到大裁员,从director,manager,到普通员工都不能自保,向上爬到越高,工资越高,越容易被裁.我知道nortel有很多快退休的vp级的经理是首当其冲被裁的.
    • try to be more architect and protocol oriented.
      If you are a designer, or even better, an architect, the older you are, the more experience you have, the better off you will be in the job market. Don't limit yourself to a certain languages. Focus yourself on design paradigms and protocol concepts. Computer software design is a very serious science in this sense.
      • Numnum, you are a man who understands the IT industry
        • numnum, would you please intruduce some books or some things else to the oritention? thanks a lot.