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  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / After reading a while, didn't find a tennis fun here.
    • 我呀!!你在多伦多吗?咱也成立一个ROLIA 网球俱乐部,我先报名。本人球技不错,体力剧差,欢迎各位大虾共同切磋。
      • couldn't find free indoor court, but after the middle of April, outdoor is OK. I am in Toronto, nice to you Bill.
        • 我是网球好手,可惜要过几个月才来,保证你们玩得开心
          • Welcome and hurry up. The tennis season in Toronto will end in Oct.
      • 我和劳工两位。
      • 我在Hamilton,有没有网球同好?
      • 我报名,不过我打得不好,各位高手多指教。忘了说,我7月份以前一定到。
      • I have check with the tennis club in my community. They told be that the tennis season for their club will start from May and end in Oct. The day time in week day is free and charge for week day night and weekend unless u are a club member.
        The member fee will be around 50 bucks for the whole season. Do u guys know any court that is totally free?
        • I love tennis, i wish to share tennis with u. I live in Scarborogh, and in seeking a tennis partner. Hope to recieve your message. my Email is jimmy_zxz@yahoo.com
          • Nice to meet you. Any suggestion to the court?
            • hello, I live in Scarborough. It is said there is nice and free court near finch and McCowan. We can put every body's address and known court to this post. looking forward to recieve your yuy's suggestions.
            • 我住在东面,附近有塑胶网球场,你呢?方便的话,可以一起打球。jimmy 416-3180282
        • 50 bucks is quite cheap, is it outdoor?
          • It is outdoor. As a member you can play anytime in the whole season. After confirm with the club, the price is $65 / year.
        • This court is near Don mills / Eglington.
      • 棋逢对手!我们倒可以切磋一下技艺.对了,我将于5月中旬抵多.不知你住在何区,将来联络打球是否方便.
        • Welcome. E-mail me or just post here when you come. we can play together then.
      • 我的情况跟你差不多,8月去找你一起切磋。
    • If there is any activity about tennis, pls remember to notify me. I am a tennis fan. my email is jimmy_zxz@yahoo.com
      • Brilliant weather outside, finallly we can enjoy the sunshine after six months of unbearable winter. Hope our ROLIA TENNIS CLUB could creat asap.
        • Sure. Do you guys have any suggestions to the court?
          • so now we have enough partners, next object: nice court!!!!
            • Where do you guys live? I am living at Lawrence.w&Bathurst, but I can't find any nice court here.If somebody has a car, please try to find 2 courts in good condition. Now I am regreting for leaving my racket at home, So I have decided to buy a new.
              • I live near Don Mills / Eglington.
                • Hi, Bill, nice to meet you here, I just loged my name on, hope to meet all of you at tennis court.
        • I want to play tennis Toronto
    • Hi, tiger, I will play tennis at Bathurst and Lawrence at 10am, saturday, will you come?
      • hi, do you minding if i joining your guys? i happen to have some free time this saturday, and love to do some tennis. i was good before, not sure about now. call me 416 483 7446 ext. 6 or 416 897 3800. thanks!
        • Hi, guys just come. Call my number:416-565-1676
      • 星期天的腐败会场有三片好场子,我们要大打呢,欢迎切磋
      • 哎 , 我 说 , 怎 么 又 改 地 方 了 ? 好 不 容 易 才 把 大 伙 掐 在 一 块 儿 , ? ? ? ?
    • I want to play tennis too. I am a new immigrant in Toronto. caro_y01@yahoo.com