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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 大家好,我将要于9月到多伦多大学计算机系读硕士学位,我有15000加元的生活费(奖学金),想问一下各位前辈怎么租房子?
    • 每月1200元? 可以与人合租, <500; 大约一年之后, 可以排到多大的学生房, 1Bedroom大约600多.
      • 房子好不好租,我刚去不熟悉找房子方便吗?我可以和另一个同去的同学和租。你有什么建议吗?
        • It's a bit hard recently if you want to rent an apartment. UT has an internal used web site with lots of rental information, but you could only access it when you got your student number and UT library number.
          You could stay in a immigrantion center, and then find a house.
          • Thank you very much.
      • 若合租 , 上网怎么办 ? 也合用吗?
        • yes, u can share the internet access if u use cable or DSL.
    • When did you know that you were admitted? I've applied U.of T. computer master program as well, but still got no reply yet...
      When did you know that you were admitted? I've applied U.of T.
      computer master program as well, but still got no reply yet. I
      can wait one more week before I'll accept the offer
      from another university, which
      gave me similar scholarship as yours.
      It would be a pity for me
      if U.of T. would give me an offer afer I accept the offer
      from another one. (My TOEFL is 283, GRE 2240, but my B.S. was
      not on computer science.) Thanks.
      • I got the offer in about March 20, and a friend of mine got it earlier, and another friend who apply Ph.D. got it about Apr. 5. Best regards to you.
        • 是不是各位大侠都考了GRE?
          • 据说加拿大很看中GPA,可惜我的GPA太低了,只有3.0。:(。不知道能不能用GRE来补。sigh...
            • then I suggest you to forget U of T. This year U of T has 650 CS Master program applicants, but only 55 were admitted.
              • CS现在就是10%的录取比例,别的学校也一样。
    • 能谈谈你的经验吗?似乎你已拿到了签证,对吗?从递表到最后拿到表要多长时间?
      网上都说是应在距注册日期3个月递表就行了,这来得及吗?我到现在都还没拿到正式的通知书,只有导师给我发的Email。 而那几所拿到手的offer, 又不是我想去的学校,这几所学校的offer, 有的花了一个月时间才寄到,有的是寄了第二回才收到。真不知那封我盼了很久的offer要等多久才到得了手?会不会又丢失?请问你的offer 寄得顺利吗?
      • 不要急,我的U of T 的等了15天,York的等了一个月. 祝好运!