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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


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  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 在Rolia众多同志的关怀和掩护下, 本人今天下午2:20 在morningsite冲锋,陷阵, 然后死的很难看! 可惜阳光明媚的周末!.....
    在Rolia众多同志的关怀和掩护下, 本人今天下午2:20 在morningsite冲锋,陷阵, 然后死的很难看! 可惜阳光明媚的周末! Anyway, 感谢mqu27, 小受, 樱桃, 萝卜秧, InTheSky, 不算太老, 西岭, Unix, 飞雪浮冰的忠告. 本想在下周Toronto 一周年前拿到本, 看来没戏了! 有谁出去吃饭, 别忘了叫我.

    Life is like a sewer,
    what you get out of it
    depend on waht you put into it.

    但是 I have paid, 但是I got no win!

    • 犯了哪些错误?讲讲。
      • 刚出去, 有车打右灯, 然后我就左拐, 考官说右灯不代表他要拐弯
        • O? How come?
          • It is true!
            • If he don't want to right turn, why signal right? faint.
              • That was why I turn left
                • So why you are wrong?
                  • He said may be that car don't want to turn right, but he had higher prilrity, so I must waitting
                    • Oh...yes...I make a mistake. I thought he want to turn left...hehe..if he's turning right, you must wait when taking test...
        • 考官是对的。在实际驾驶时也是这样,不能轻信别人的转向灯。
          • Roller is right, unless u see him/her slowing down and begin to make the turn. NEVER EVER assume the other drivers' next move based on signal or ur past experience, be defensive.
    • Sewer, you mean food in, @@@@ out stuff?
      • @~~~@
    • 为你难过,星期五是应该最好过的,星期一最难过,我觉得你在考试中一定不要反应太快,听考官的指挥很重要,一定要显示出你对安全驾驶的高度重视,动作要夸张而利索,不要对结果要求太高,我考前也从未去过考场,我就是报着再考一次的态度考的,结果一次就过,给家里省了多少钱啊.
      • 两个星期以后再上!!
      • It doesn't cost much, 40 bucks.
        • I don't care money, just in bad mood!
          • I am talking to mqu27, sorry :P
            • 我考车时还没有买车,租车要50, 考费40,再考前练2小时,又是40, 差不多要130左右.
          • 同病相怜!同病相怜!我在五十天内连烤四次,最后...终于...通过啦!!!!
            • 真同情你, 就向同情我自己
    • 你现在paid,就是你以后的成功的 experience。不要难过,再有6个小时又是明天的太阳了