


  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / First Job: Interview - Communications (5)
    • Good one. I like the coffee..... and the points. A great article about communications -- but
      why do you have to put it under "First Job: inerview - ". Instead of putting your diamonds in a kleenex box, why not just let them shine without the package?
      • I'm too lazy to change the title. It's still about job search anyway. Besides, "First Job" sounds good.
        • 头两篇是给第一次找工的人写的。后面的文章就越来越跟第一份工没关系了。想过要改名字,但是改了也别扭,再说没有想到合适的名字。
    • continue...
    • 该打, 本文含有贬低LD的言行,
      • 同意, 转红卫兵LD阅.
    • Good point! I remember we had one training on technical writing before: we were asked to put conclusion/summary in the first paragraph instead of introduction in the first paragraph and conclusion in the last paragraph as people usually do.
    • This is exactly what I told my team memebers. First just tell me, did it work? or did it not work? or you don't know it worked or not. Result first, then tell me the details
    • haha, 顶一下