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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 有没有人有从APARTMENT搬去另一个APARTMENT的经验。我这里要6月30日搬出,另一个7月1日才能拿钥匙,2日才能搬进(7月1日是SUNDAY,该楼规定不可以MOVE IN/OUT)。中间的几天我该怎样办?
    • how many stuffs u got there? if u got a lot of stuff, rent a truck for a couple of days, then live at ur friend's place or motel. u should avoid this kinda situation, why not pay some more days for ur new apartment? so u could move in at 6/28 or 6/29?
      • 我租的房子现在也是有人住的,RENTAL OFFICE不可能让我们提前搬进。本来希望这里可以宽限几天,看来也不行。另外租TRUCK一天要多少钱,我记得搬家是45刀/HOUR。
        • U could get UHAUL for 19.99/day, however, u will have to pay for the mileage u used. plus, if u r not sure about ur skills driving a truck, buy insurance is very necessary.
        • u could pay for the extra days u move in early, they won't allow u move in unless u paid for it.
          • 如果付钱可以提前搬进当然好了,但RENTAL OFFICE不同意。
            • stupid rental office...