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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 新移民问题:我的信用卡上的钱是用了就把它立即付了呢,还是按照STATEMENT上的数目付呢,那种方法好?谢谢。
    • pay the full amount on ur statement before the due date, use electronic payment to speed up payment.
    • 应该是在免息期内付款。我上个月中旬收到的信用卡,4月19日第一次用,现在还没有STATEMENT。但免息期是19天,我昨天就转了钱去信用卡,否则超过19天就要付利息了。
      • WRONG! U don't have to pay it until u receive the statement. in some case, if u get charged for late payment fee, tell them that u didn't get the statement, the late fee could be voided as well, but don't use it too often..:)
        • You are right.
        • 我问过银行,说是一般是每月14日寄出帐单,下个6日是最后付款期限。那么就有一个问题:如果我这个月15日的消费应该是在下个月14日寄出的STATEMENT中,到我收到STATEMENT时已经是一个月了,一定超过19天了。如果这样也可以不付利息,为什么免息期说是19天呢?
          • 是你收到的STATEMENT上的日期再延后十九天吧!不用管那么多的,只要你收到帐单然后在规定时间内付款就可以了.不会扣你的利息的,
            • 刚开始我也那么认为,实际上我就是在STATEMENT到了以后立即付帐的,可不知为什么收了我一点利息,所以有此一问。
    • 谢谢两位,这下清楚了。
      • 每个月信用卡公司会给你寄帐单的,帐单上有付款的最后日期,在他标识的最后日期前付就可以了.
      • 嘻嘻...我劳工对这个对清楚:PP
    • 在此想特别提醒那些刚开始用信用卡的朋友们,不到万不得已千万不要用信用卡提取现金,因为这样的服务费非常的高。应该超过10%。
      • give me a break, cash advance fee usually goes from 2%-3%, but every time when u withdraw money from atm, it will be charged by the atm bank for about $1.5 to $3. plus u will have to pay interest for the cash u withdraw. where did u get that 10%?
        • 或许我没讲清楚要么你理解错了。我说的拿CASH不是在ATM。不知你有没有在CASINO用信用卡拿CASH的经验?我曾经在云顶(马来西亚)和澳门的CASINO拿过,两次的Services Charge最少是10%。
          • casino is different, but i think few ppl will use credit card to withdraw cash in casino. at least try not to..:)
            • maybe not only Casino, have you try this in Hotel?
              • it may vary from country to country, i only used it in the states. hotel is not a problem.
                • I means have you try withdraw CASH from casher of hotel.
                  • yes..the charge is just like what i said before..
                    • I'm not sure how about in the US. anyway, can we stop this topic? thank for your infor.
        • 用信用卡提取现金,手续费是0,但是从第二天就收取利息,大约20%左右,如果在casino里面用先进,一般还要付给提供atm的公司一定的费用,这些atm一般不是银行的,有些公司就靠给别人提供atm生活
          • 不同的银行有不同的政策,新加坡发展银行是:用信用卡在ATM上提现金手续费3%。www.dbs.com.sg