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  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / 建议准备成立多伦多新移民足球俱乐部,我先报名!草一绿就开始!
    • I am the second one
      • 可算找到组织了,我火线入队。明天就到多伦多,撂下包就去找你们。
        • I'm going to organize a soccer team in Ottawa, Hi, Ottawa-based chinese guys, come on ! come on !!!! let's beat toronto team and WIN the dinner, rich dinner.
          • Ottawa is not too far,we are strong enough to kick you guys back to there.he he
            • be careful your thin leg, just keep strong to stand . boy !
    • I'm the 3rd one. Realy? I also have a good name for our team: C&C (China & Canada).
    • 所有运动中最不擅长的可能就是足球了,高中的时候还司职清道夫,嘿嘿,年龄越大,玩的球越小~~~:(
      • 现在玩玻璃球还是绿豆?
        • are you guys going to play it without femals watching? wives cannot be counted in.
        • 哈哈...有趣有趣!玻璃球是小学玩的,叫弹球,嘻嘻,现在是网,羽,乒球,保龄虽然个儿大点,可是个"残疾运动",呵呵.
          • "嘿嘿,年龄越大,玩的球越小...", 本地规矩不敢问年龄,就只好问球的大小来推测年龄了. 玻璃球是大了还是小了?绿豆哪?
        • eglinton, I found you are really an interesting person! Please teach me how to play "lu(4) dou(4)" when you are free so that I can play it with fish. Hahahahaaaaaaaaa........
    • hi ,when do you begin?My husband is looking forward to playing with you .By the way ,where can i buy the soccer shoes now?Thank you in advance.Remember ,don't forget to inform us.I 'm a football fun,too.
      • I bought it from Zellers. The last several pairs, 50% discount, only 20 bucks. Furtunately, there was one pair fitting my feet.
        • Where is Zellers?
          • Zellers is a famous chain-store of Canada. Checking Yellow-page, then you can find the nearest one to your home.
            • I can't find,Tell me directly,please.I live near Young and Bloor.
              • Yonge/Bloor? Forget Zellers. Go to WalMart at Dufferin Mall. (Subway, get a transfer, go west bond, to Dufferin, then Bus 29 southbond, two stops.)
                • I will try .Thank you.
              • Yonge/Bloor? Still you can get to Zellers. (Subway, get a transfer, go westbound, to Dufferin, then Bus 29 NORTHbound, 3 stops.) :-)
                • Thank you for your help.
                  • if you want to go to zellers, just take subway to Dundas West station, then exit and go to southeast corner of dundas and bloor, there is a Zellers, next door to Loblaws.
                • poor zellers, kicked out by walmart from dufferin mall
    • 足球是我最喜欢的球类活动,技术上除了过人和抢球差点,踢球力度小点以外,总的来讲还不错。我报名。
      • 真有意思。踢足球除了过人和抢球,踢球力度以外,还有什么其他技术呀。就象曼联的小贝弟一样,他除了传的一脚好球和射门外,别的也不怎么样。可这已经足够了。
    • 在那里报名,我经常在国内踢球,出来前的一年前就放 弃了,现在得恢复一下了,得码人呀
    • 希望不要歧视激昂这样的球场半残废。
      • 半残废! 我可吃不消! 我在国内上高中的时候有个小儿马匹的同学,让他当后位,球来了,本想一脚解围,却小儿马痞之故,一脚解围后球飞进了自己的大门!咳!气死我啦!
        • 这样的好同志,正好可以借给敌人啊。
    • 我要参加,不过大约在春季.强烈建议多发展几个俱乐部.
    • 在这里报名的同志们呢?
      • There is a playground near my apartment. I mean it located the intersection birchmount and sheppard. it is a formal playground. so I think most of us only play half of it.
        if someone interested it, please remind me. btw I am an active audience in this forum because there are the limited time to surf the web.
        • 离我家很紧啊,要踢的话同志我一下,只要不是半夜我准到。(半夜我要上班,嘿嘿!)
    • How to do it?
      • 如果下周末天气允许,我们就开始!先热身,练练基本功。
    • I Do
      When , Where, How
      I am a newcomer to Canada
    • 我每周都练,正选中场,不分左右都行。下周什么时候先通知一声,不过我有朋友要来,不知道是否有空。
    • 训练场地有吗?到时候让大家见识见识泡馍的脚法。
      • 你不会一脚解围后球飞进了自己的大门吧!
    • 真想在绿绿的草地上跑一跑,躺一躺,一看到草地就兴奋,随着年龄的增加(我的年龄与马特乌斯相同),从前锋优秀射手,到后卫,现在的体力只能当守门员了,不过水平在业余中还是top。就是不知何时能到加国,与你们 在绿茵场上相会,与我相爱的姑娘相会。
    • 提前报名,真想现在就到多伦多,我以前在大学是校队主力,90-94年连续参加武汉地区高校甲级和乙级联赛,现在只需要恢复体力就可以。绝对的主力后卫!
    • 怎么联络, 我可是正牌的守门员,省新闻界的首席.
    • 我知道的几项赛事和球队


      The Soccer Team of CPAC
    • 俱乐部成立议事明天举行!!