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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / Re #5937: I want tokown the difference of BASEROME and APT. 地下室是否暖气和光线不足,please tell me,i want to save the money from the beginning.
    • Basement is the basement of a house or a town house, apt is apartment in a building. U know, the living condition of basement is really not good. So, anyway, it really depends. But it's harder and harder to find a suitable place in Toronto now,,,,
      • 那么租房也许就是到多伦多后的第一难,现在我们在等LP,也许要到明年6、7月才能成行,到那时,房子更难找了。
        • The situation is not so dissappointing. Every day there are hundreds or even thousands of houses and rooms of every kind going to the market.You absolutely do not need to worry about it.