


  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / At Work: Communications (7)
    • The background of the audience does matter. That determines which type of information you should pass to it.
      • 下一篇再写。
      • Absolutely. When you send an email to a client, the words you pick definitely are different from those writing to a technical guy. Even for a technical guy, you also need to choose the terms based on his/her background.
    • Really like your thread, trying to read all of your topics! Up!
    • Yes, the skills you mentioned are necessary for a business email in IT industry.
    • I know this must be good even I did not read it.
      • 哟,好久不见了
        • 是喔.
    • 很好的总结,挑个小小刺,如果打字不费时间,应该这么写:"it took 2 hours to run the failed job"...
      • 按你这一改,就毁了俺原来的意思了。用pronoun,都是有上下文的。俺的意思是,即使有上下文,很多时候还是不用pronoun为好。
    • 这个不错。要顶。