


  • 枫下拾英 / 小说故事 / Sailor的移民杂记
    • Sailor的移民杂记(2)
      • HI, sailor, your article is not so boring as you described to me. It's interesting.
        I really support you to continue your diary. Though your major is not art, I think you are good at writing. Any more? Maybe in the future, I will also write sth. I hope I have more time... But I am so still so busy now.
      • Come on! tell us how you come to Toronto and what happened to you before you r sitting here..now u r still in Alaska in Sec'n 2!! haha...
      • 我看了你的贴子不知道为什么很难过?说不出来。我现在还在办理移民,还没有那样的体会,我想你在路上的时候一定很不好受。
    • I have the same feeling as you. The HK custome officer, a young guy was so kind to me. While the Chinese custom lady was so cool and bad manner. I still remembered the nice boy's smiling.
      Your diary reminds us those unforgettable experience passing the custom.
      You told me your story, I mean, your diary was not so attractive, so many people only the first part, I don't agree with you. I think it's good.
      Go on....
    • 移民杂记 之 三
      • 要是我,也许会说"21 is ok.":)另:问一下你说的是临时的住处还是长期的租房?能用email或电话在中国这边定下房子来吗?
        • That's a none-temporary place. I set it before I left China.
      • 酱紫的房间每月租金多少呢?房东提供膳食?离YORK大学远吗?你还住那里吗?偶也想找酱紫的一间住所.呵呵
        • $400 includes foods. I moved out after 3 months' living. You may go to / 枫下黄页 / 生活网站 / 分类广告 to check those ads.
      • 好人有好命:)
    • 移民杂记 之四
      • 好勤奋的斑竹,又要改进程序,又要回答问题,又要写感想,佩服佩服!
        • 过奖啦。不过呢,网站能够用起来,心里是挺开心,也不觉得累啦。
          • Hi,Sailor,which language do you use to build this forum? I'm realy envious of you!
            • I use PHP.
      • 水手真的惬意呀.呵呵,办SIN和健康卡和开户应该在一天完成就会少跑很多路.CIBC信用和服务都不错吗?有没有看到网球场?是不是免费的啊?不知道在加能不能找到球友,呵呵.
        • about CIBC, & Tennis course
          The service of CIBC is excellent, at least I think so. I like the service as well as the staff in CIBC. The only shortcoming is that I have to pay monthly service fee and transaction fee, so I applied a TD checking account later.

          Now I only use the CIBC Visa and don't have any transaction with my CIBC checking account.

          There're lots of tennis courses in Toronto and you can easily find some partners. Maybe some courses are free, but most of them charge.
          • a piece of comment on CIBC and TD
            For the service charge, CIBC is better than TD right now. All your service charge will be waived when you keep your monthly balance over $1,000 which you can enjoy your ATM, interac, PC banking , telephone banking and writing your personal cheques free. When you keep the same balance in TD, they only offer you $3.95 service fee waived.
      • Hi, sailor, as you didn't meet any difficulties in finding a house, or hunting a job, so your artical is too attractive. You should tell friends some real hard situations, otherwise it will mislead those friends who are coming, right?
      • 看SAILOR的文章很过瘾阿
      • 这个家伙竟然把他的移民杂记放在小说故事里。// 那时侯$400管住还管吃呢,8错。
    • 东北的饺子翻箱倒柜的能力很强啊,一年以前的贴子都找出来了。不知道Sailor现在再看自己的文章,是什么心情?我是不停的想:哎呀哎呀,老的真快。
      • 看以前的帖子发现论坛和现在非常不同. 看得出SAILOR和其他几位同志出了很多力气. DANNYYANG还在么?不知道他还在温哥华抓螃蟹不? 感谢感谢!
        • DANNYYANG好久没来了,应该还在温哥华。
    • 和你的出关遭遇相反,我们是在广州白云机场出关的,当时,查证的官员很客气,还和我们谈了一大堆关于移民的问题。或许,是那个人对移民也很感兴趣吧。 但是,有一点我始终相信,即天底下绝大多数的人都是与人为善的。我们最大的不幸是天底下总有那么一些混蛋。