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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 我有个朋友最近想landing Ottawa,我知道那里除了特冷特冷以外什么都不知道。他们一个国内一个做秘书,一个在国家机关计算机房做管理,有没有Ottawa的朋友说说那里的情况?或许对他们有帮助,他们摩拳擦掌的准备登陆呢,一概不信我说这里有多难。
    • 如果想尽快找到工作,还是多伦多吧!从workopolis.com和monster.com上全国范围search job,80%都在多伦多。
    • 我的朋友在我力劝下, 还是去了OTTAWA, 结果...不如人意, 马上有的搬家. 温哥华最好, 除了冬天
      • Could you tell me where your parents live in Vancouver? Maybe I can pick them up this Sunday. My friends will pick up the mum and the daughter which i told you last time. I am living in Burnaby.
        • 好好好... 好啊. 俺在家打扫卫生呢, 没看见你的贴. 我EMAIL 你他们的地质电话. 谢谢谢谢谢谢....第一次感到"网络皆友人"...算是俺给妈的MOTHER'S DAY 礼物了..
          • OK. It is my pleasure. I will try my best to help them, just like my parents.
      • 东北的饺子东北的饺子东北的饺子东北的饺子东北的饺子东北的饺子东北的饺子东北的饺子东北的饺子东北的饺子!!
        • 珠格格, 请告诉我活动是什么时间, 周六还是周日?
          • see
    • 如果很有经验,是SENIOR级别的,可以去OTTAWA,工作很好找,工资也比其他高。但如果经验不够,就几乎没有什么工作机会了。
      • I think he should be the Junior level. He was working in Chinese Government , all systems are old.
        • Then I'm pretty sure Toronto is a better place for him.
          bussiness-wise Toronto is more diversified , it has a good balance of financial and high-tech sectors, so it provides all sorts opportunities for different levels of skilled workers. On the other hand, Ottawa's bussiness organization seems more monolithic in that it concentrates on TeleTom-IP related industries, so it only needs workers with highly specified skills, which you can only expect from senior guys.
          • They still decide to Ottawa, only because his brother is there, maybe helpful. Let it be...
            • 加拿大除了温哥华,其他城市到了冬天都是很冷的.但是温哥华就像中国的珠海一样,适合居住不适合工作.渥太华是加拿大平均收入最高的城市,几乎所有大的跨国通信公司都有分部在渥太华.