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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 这两天苦学uml,不知uml在加的就业前景如何?
    • 基本功,我在大学里学过,现在毕业正在打工
      • Wow! When did you graduate and which school? I'm interested in that.
        • hi,Sailor,you aren't working now?
          • Yes, I'm working.
    • I am afraid you cannot get a job mainly depend on your UML skill.
    • Could you tell me some UML website. I also want to study UML
      • some website for UML

        I am working with UML in my thesis work. I feel that the UML is just a notation, you need to know the OO methdologies and programming languages to apply the UML freely.
        Good luck!
        • Are you a system analyst? Can you tell me something about the perspect of system analyst? I am a programmer by now, but I plan to become a system analyst after 30 years old, Could you give some suggestions?
          • My friend, I am not an architect. I am just doing some theoretical research works with UML
    • Forget it, these stuffs only good for people who know don't know how to do, but can talk.