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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 想买车吗?这里有各种车的数据、评比和评论。
    • 太好了!不过能说说旁地亚克怎么不好吗?好像新车都很便宜呀,可是没多少人提到他。
      • 哥们儿,那些是美元!!
      • 我个人来说不喜欢(随机的顺序):1外观,2内饰,3发动机(大排量小马力),4质量,5耗油,6安全性也极一般,7贬值快,再卖价值低。
        • Actually I like the looking,Grand AM and Grand Prix are both very wide. They feel stable on the road.Of course qualities are not that great. But if you just want to lease a new car, throw it away in a couple of years, they are pretty good choices.
          • 我没正经决下心来买车之前也决的Pantiac不错,特别是firebird GT(其实也不便宜,出厂也要2万多好象). 但是要真金白银往外掏的时候,还是觉得日本车保值一点。毕竟leasing 还是比较亏。
            • firebird = sunfire = cavalier, 名列最差车之列(质量、安全,消费者报告)。费油得很,看看现在的油价吧。千万别买了车再舍不得开,那就惨了
              • yeah, I rented a cavalier three weeks ago, it sucks, it didn't pick up speed well, didn't even brake well. I didn't know the fireGT is Cavalier..
          • Cool, Grand Am is possibily my next choice.
            • the butt is kida round, and the emission pipe is like a steel gun
              • well, test drive it. the hangling is way firm.
                • i am not badmouthing Grand AM, only 1 or 2m far from my office window parked a white GAm everyday
      • Here is the Canadian's sites.