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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 有谁知道一般JOB Hunting Agency是怎样收费的?是Applicator付费还是招人的雇主公司付费?
    有家美国的Agency(http://www.allenandassociates.com)看中我的简历说可以替我找到工作,但我得交US$804, 其中US$658是不可以Refund的,他们整个过程都不用同我见面,一切在网上进行,(不象很多本地的Agencies,要考试或培训等)这样可信吗?请过来人帮忙指点。
    (明天就要寄Money Order了,已经推了两天,很着急,请各位前辈指点迷津)
    • 有家美国的Agency(http://www.allenandassociates.com)看中我的简历说可以替我找到工作,但我得交US$804, 其中US$658是不可以Refund的,他们整个过程都不用同我见面,一切在网上进行,(不象很多本地的Agencies,要考试或培训等)这样可信吗?请过来人帮忙指点。
      • forget it, it's cheating. There are too many suckers cheating around.
      • NEVER PAY BEFORE YOU GET IT! Similar tricky stories happened everywhere, be careful, my friend.
    • the company, not you. the agent cant get enough money fromthe company. it's definitely cheating.
    • resp
      It is better not to pay for them, I tell you the truth:

      When I looked for job, agency hoped I accept the job he offered to me, he said he wanted inviteing me to have a dinner.

      Do not pay agency anything !