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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 请教炒股票的朋友,在ETRADE开户,美元和加元户口是如何分开的?是否有两个户头? 另外,ETRADE的CASH户头是否可以做卖空?什么时间需要买回股票平仓?现在ETRADE 的交易是T+1吗?多谢!
    • This is my experience
      you have two accounts. If you want to sell stocks which you don`t have, you can discuss with you broker, if they agree with you, you can do it. otherwise not. all stock trading is T+0. every day you can sell and buy many times if you would like to do this.
      • Thanks for your help. I want to open the US account first.