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  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / 来了一周啦,报名参加FB!!!!只是远在kw,要大动干戈才行。有kitchener或waterloo的分会场吗?或者凑几位新建一个。。。
    • we will go there in August. How about waterloo and kitchner? thank.
    • 来KW半年了,眼看着多伦多的朋友们FB又FB,馋呐!可没车,去跑一趟实在麻烦,现在好了,KW 的朋友们大家凑凑,也一起干呀!
      • 终于挖出来一只!是不是后边还能揪出一串?
    • the most impressive thing in Waterloo for me is
      a mongolian restaurant---the 3m-diameter wok, yes 3m! the 1m long chopsticks for chao cai;
      a variety of selections from seafood to veal, taste (plus a mug of beer) is really tmd wonderful;
      the most intersting thing is the chef always wears a t-shirt that reads "Gengihs Khan's math---
      rice + sword"!
    • 听起来不错,这饭馆在哪?
      • in a mall where there is everything, close to UoW engineering building
    • 怎么没下文了?KW的哥们姐们快跳出来呀,平常在街上我看也不少嘛。
      • Are there many chinese immigrants in KW? It seems that there're many chinese students in UW. Mongolian barbeque is really terrific!
    • When FB? add me.
    • Kitchner Waterloo 到底怎么样?
      这里水草肥美,安静温和,人民安居乐业。由于有UW和 WILFRID LAURIER两所大学及一批著名学院,所以汇集了不少想要读书的中国新移民。依托两所大学,KW地区也云集了大量的高科技企业,这里和多伦多相比,竞争相对较小,实在找不到工作可以到这里碰碰运气。