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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 加拿大前辈,你们在加拿大有没有见到过老鼠,蟑螂,潮虫,钱串子之类的东西?(当然不包括个人养的宠物老鼠或蟑螂)
    • 应该有吧,虽然偶还没见过,不过蟑螂曾经和恐龙共同生活过,强大的生存能力会让你躲也躲不掉:)
      • 这样说来,我不必从国内带特效耗子药和蟑螂药过去了。
        • 'there is or there is no" depends quite on where you live---if the lodging is not good enough, 蟑螂药 is possiblly good 4u. do not think guo ne de 耗子药, it may lead you to unnecessary trouble.
    • 1 of the happiest thing of my N.A life is that there is almost no 老鼠 in residence, while 蟑螂 is rare and controllable by pestcide
    • Yes. Everywhere.
      • ohoh, this may be exaggerated---i came from a cn city where rats can be 1in long (before the yucky red tail), if you say mouses here in Toronto are everywhere, i think it is simply
    • 在我以前住的apartment里, 我见过蟑螂和老鼠. 一到晚上就听老鼠在跳舞了, 吓得我不敢睡, 生怕老鼠跳到床上来. 好恐怖的.
      • 大概加拿大的耗子们不知道有耗子夹子这玩意儿吧?我得带一个过去。
        • 夹子和胶这里都有。