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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 如果期望拿到公民身份后搬去美国长期生活,是不是就不用参加CPP或其他养老金计划?只有EI有必要参加。还有哪些必需的保险适合落地后5年左右要搬去美国工作生活的人?
    • 这些问题我现在也正在研究。有老移民朋友告诉我,你要在加拿大交足十年的税,否则以后不但养老保险等没有,连医疗保险也没了。当时还给我举了个例子,有一台湾老头,就是因为没有交足十年的税,退休后享受不到公费医疗保险,几经折腾把命丢了。我想有关规定应该可以查到的。
      • Really? I know if natualized citizens have their parents immigrate to Candada, their parents(who never paid tax and probably never will) are also entitled to health plan. Any one else has such experiences?
        Really? I know if natualized citizens have their parents immigrate to Candada, their parents(who never paid tax and probably never will) are also entitled to health plan. As for pension, if you leave the Canada before retirement, you need to come back after 65 to claim a one-time reinbursement from government., depending on amount you have contributed.
      • 太好了。偶们可以一起研究健康医疗保险和EI等其他保险的问题。可惜偶对这些太门外汉了,那些doc即使是中文的都够让偶头痛的~~希望能和你经常在这里交流这些讨论。
        • yes, i still do not know how to say 'wo pi gu shang sheng liao yi ge chuang' in english.
          • I think it could be this :" I've got something on my butt"
            • it is misleading, that could be
        • 好啊好啊!!只是个人的力量总是有限的,希望知情的大虾们不吝赐脚。俺在此谢过了。
    • 刚才先研究了一下CPP的问题,结果是不管你将来住在哪里,只要你曾经交过一年以上的CPP,将来就可以享受相应的CPP回报。 所以你还是交CPP的好。反正你交的这部份是可以减税的,就算不交,也多拿不了几个子。