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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / Hi, 我今天一下收到三个机构说要我申请MasterCard,我都不知道从那冒出来的,请问我是否该申请MasterCard?这到底是怎么回事?
    • 再问
    • nothing special, they just want applicants, select 1 or 2 of the issuing institutions that are of reputation, for example, any major banks in canada
    • 这是常事。仔细看看那些说明,看看你符合不符合他们的条件(仔细找,一般是小字说明,象your house income must be over $XXXXX等),然后再看有没有年费annual fee等限制(一般不说no annual fee的就是有)。如果既符合条件,又没有年费,不妨申请个把的。
      • 谢谢。也解答了我的疑问。
    • 这里见多识广, 非常热心的朋友果然多,Rolia名不虚传!
      • If you have not credit history, you can't apply them. I think These card are for the people who have a other kind ofcredit card.
    • 偶很羡慕你呢。偶现在一张信用卡都没有,人家也不理偶的深情~~~
      • Hi 草鱼 you had better aplly it ASAP, the term is same, so your only choise is depoist the money in the bank even you has a job which less than six months. will you agree with me?
        • time chages
          when i applied for credit card, i was even not an immi, just an int'l student, my 1st credit limit is from CIBC VISA, 1300$/mo,

          nowadays, they want deposit for water-testing to see ur payback ability, even u have job, u have to wait for 6mo? shoot!
          • 学生不一样。添上学校情况就可以了,如果有TA收入,很快就能拿到。加拿大银行非要新移民抵押,实际是敲诈。
        • 偶同意。可是偶有工作了,TD仍然不给VISA,说要在那里开户一年以上才行,这回不说要抵押了。偶现在正等CIBC回音。
          • important: You DON NOT have to apply for credit card in your 开户行, my 开户行 is Scotia, but i have lots MC/VISA cards from other banks. seems "canada trust" is relatively ez to get credit card from
      • 可是这些机构都是什么 capital one , citibank之类没听说过的家伙。心里可一点底也没有。
        • capital 1 is ok, they claim they can give u limit up to 50000$, but meantime they often rebuff u. citibank is usa-based, i think canadatrust is owned by it. i would say thay are not 'huai dan'
        • Citibank is the biggest card issuer in North America, Capital One was rated as one of most innovative credit card company in the world.
        • 只要不要你年费,尽管申请。Captial One不错的,我现在一直用它
        • citibank是citigroup的核心部份。citigroup在今年fortune500强中排第18。俺记得上海外滩哪个建筑就是当年citibank留下来的,中文名字好象是万国什么的,记不清了。
          • Hua(1) Qi(2) Yin(2) Hang(2)