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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 急问:现可获得国内一公司职位:嵌入式Linux软件工程师,该公司近期产品是数码相机和PDA,请问获得了这方面经验之后,到加拿大就业前景怎样?
    • canada need your experience as much as you can including any aspect.;learn more as you can
    • 下午刚去面视回来,该公司主要从事多媒体领域的研发。现在基本上录取了。可我已做了6年的Oracle开发和管理,这次我是否该跳槽?在加的大虾们提供些意见,谢了。
      • to be honest, stay in your Oracle field if u haven't been bored by Oracle too much. But don't come here this year. Job market is too terrible here.
        • agree with you, that's what I want to say.
        • Thank you so much! I will consider it carefully before making decision.