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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 是不是好久没见jabber了?怪想的~~~
    • nodnod
    • Thank you for concerns. I am still there... :-):-)
      • How are you doing, sir?
        • Thanks, I am doing well.
      • 你还要来加拿大吗?偶有个朋友,加拿大EE牛校毕业,北电只给了空头支票,米国却有不少offer,好个感叹加拿大就业市场的烂啊~~~随着生活的深入,偶也觉得加拿大经济脆弱。
        • 现在即使去美国也很难找到好的offer,这次北美大公司的裁员,裁得最多的就是美国的
          • Please keep tuned. More and more people will be losing jobs. In the City where I live, 80% of companies are shaking.
        • Every working day, 50-200 people in IT industry lose jobs in my area (Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia).
          My present assignment will last at least 6 months. My potential danger lies in my immigration status. Technically, it is not too big a problem for me to get a new job. Because of my strong background in methodology, J2EE architecture, and presentation, I am sort of welcome in the market. On the other hand, I am a competent Java developer. I don't worry much about jobs. However, I don't have much freedom before I get a green card----for this I am really unhappy.
          • 忘掉绿卡。今天天气很好:)嘻嘻,属于你的永远都跑不掉!运气是随着心情看涨的。嘻嘻