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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 马来西亚华人奇迹战胜末期癌症

    • thank you for sharing!
    • 真正生癌的,千万不要当真,乖乖的去看西医。中医延误了无数的癌症病人的早期诊断和治疗,祸害了无数的华人。警醒啊!对这些中医骗子们。
      • 这只是转贴一篇报纸上的文章,也是一个末期癌症病人的亲身经历。你为什么要进行人身攻击?
        • 请灵芝妹妹不要跟他计较,他看起来跟中医好像有深仇大恨,也不知道曾经受过什么刺激。其实上这个论坛的都是成年人,应该自己都有判断能力。很感激你经常提供信息给网友,你是个很热心的人。祝节日愉快。
        • 顶! 多数癌症患者不是死于所患的癌症, 而是死于西医的化疗, 如果不化疗, 还可以活久一点。
          • not sure about this.
          • 造谣惑众的来了。哪来的统计数据,给大家瞧瞧?
            • “因为绝大多数的人最终都会死在医院,所以说,医院是个害死人的地方。”这就是某些人们的“逻辑”。
    • 我也来转一篇:“多用於泌尿系統疾病‧憂遁草非抗癌藥”
    • 这片转载的文章没有提供电话号码么?怎么联系这个人呢?
    • Any Rolia cancer patient or any Rolian direct contact cancer patient, is medically cured as described in the article?
      I am starting an informal and amateur clinical trial and am accepting any Rolia cancer patient or any Rolian direct contact cancer patient, who lives in Toronto area. This clinical trial can be administered by self or a TCM doctor. If any participating cancer patient with the described condition(s) is medically cured as described in the article, I am willing to subsidize the cost. This offer is good for 6 months and maybe extended, starting this Christmas Day 12:01 am. If this treatment shows no positive result(s) for the described condition(s) in the clinical trial, then the treatment prescribed in the article can be considered as un-proven and un-successful, and also potentially misleading.

      As a TCM doctor, according to your profile, you, as a professional, should have moral responsibility to try out on the cancer patient(s) with the described condition(s), to verify and ensure the effectiveness of this treatment, before you pass on the information.

      2011-12-24 at Toronto for Rolia 医药保健
    • 多谢大家提出宝贵意见。建议在使用任何草药之前都应经过中医辨证,看看是否适合。 祝大家节日快乐!
    • Thank you for your suggestion. But, how and where can a terminally ill cancer patient find a qualified TCM doctor to 辨证草药? And who and what is a ‘qualified’ TCM doctor for 辨证草药?
      “TCM 辨证” has been, is, and will always be a fatal issue for TCM to resolve in order to establish credibility in my opinion.
      • A licensed acupuncturist can do it.
    • Please explain how and why can a licensed acupuncturist 辨证草药, in contradiction with the role and duty of acupuncturist, described in any medical dictionary and encyclopedia? Please limit your answer to any licensed acupuncturist in North America.
      • 大哥,跟中医是较不得真的,都是“听说”、“据我所知”一类的。
      • 北美的注册中医针灸师都具有一定的辨证运用中草药知识,这也是中医学院课程和中医针灸执照考试内容之一。
    • Your Answers Are Superficial and Not Satisfactory, But I Will Stop Grilling You. Meantime, I have (4) Points for You and Rolians to Read:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛(1) All your answers are elementary and superficial without breadth and depth, therefore un-satisfactory. As a result, there are even more questions behind your answers to raise, not mentioning other questions related to the article. But I will stop here.

      (2) The purpose of this entire exercise including “questions-and-answers” is to educate those naive and in-experienced Rolians and remind them, be aware of the highly possible dis-credibility of many TCM practitioners from Western Medicine standards. I feel I have made my point and therefore, I herein discontinue and close this entire exercise as of now.

      (3) As a sincere suggestion, you should have a “disclaimer” (warning) attached, every time you forward TCM stories and information, such as, stating that,
      (a) The patient should verify and ensure the efficacy of the treatment, and
      (b) The patient shall be responsible for any negative or unwanted results and consequences.
      (c) I, as a forwarder bear no responsibility whatsoever for any harm, damage, negative results, induced by such treatment or whatsoever.

      What if someone follows your story and tries your forwarding herbal prescription(s), and delays a possible and proper Western Medical Treatment, it results in condition worsening; again, you have moral responsibility as a conscientious human being.

      (4) You seem a nice lady with good intention to promote what you believe and what you were trained for. I have nothing personal against you, but please be aware, not just applying to you or any TCM practitioner, but also to any other professional, that any intentionally misleading or ignorantly misleading is considered as cheating (骗). This term, cheating is defined in any English dictionary. Anyone who intentionally misleads or ignorantly misleads can be considered as “骗子.”

      2011-12-31 at Toronto for Rolia 医药保健
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