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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 加拿大为什么不减税?
    • My 2 cents
      It's a big country. A lot of public service need money but only 30 million people living here. Just imagine how much going to spend only to maitain the highway cross the country.
      • So the problem is the population is too small. Now I understand why they have these immigration laws.
    • 今年已经减了一些了。但是有一点可能你不了解,政府的财政赤字是天文数字,一共$5800亿。平均一个人近$20000。所以也别指望能有更多的减税。除非废除目前的福利制度。
      • Gosh!有这么邪乎?没希望了~~~~
        • 嘿嘿,如果你看到美国的debt,该吓死你了。
          • 可是美国的税低。加拿大这么高的税还有这么多债。谁是债主呢?
          • 美国的债务相当于他一年的国民生产总值。好比一个穷人一年赚1万块,背了1万块的债,一个富人一年赚10万块,背了10万块的债。数目虽然惊人,其实感觉一样。呵呵
      • Actually, federal government's tax is not that much left for reducing. But the PST/HST should be reduced or eliminated. And another way is to increase pay.