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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / Who can tell me: I got LP as single, and I plan to go alone, Is it possible for me to get marriage before departure without informing Embassy, and I can sponsor my wife to go to Canada in the future? thks for your reply!!!
    • no way. You must first land and go back to China to marry. That is what I will do.
      • And it is the only way.
      • 不知你回来之前要准备什么文件,听说要一张单身纸?另外,我还保留着国内的户口,你认为用国内的还是国外的身份结婚更好呢?有什么利弊?多加联系!
        • 如果户口未注销,只需用平常的方法结婚,单身证明只适用于涉外婚姻,你不必那么复杂。