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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 多伦多的牛头店就要关门了,以后少了个买便宜货的地方啦。5555
    • 去no frills和price chopper。牛头店太丑了,哈哈。
      • zara你真厉害,知道我旁边就有这三家店!
        其实我每次上牛头时都有隐约的感觉,磨损的地板,破旧的cart & basket, 给人很cheap的感觉。

        我觉得No Frill的购物环境是最好的。相对其它两家。
        • FAINT

          这三个店无处不在呀。对了,还有Food Basics,应该是Dominion的,哈哈。
          这四家里No Frills环境相对最好,因为它是Loblaws开的,中国米的品种多,也相对便宜,哈哈。
          我喜欢大的Loblaws和Dominion,购物感觉很好,可是东西在不on sale的时候是比较贵的:-P 而且我现在怀疑它们根本就是一家总公司,哈哈。
    • Is September a bad season for business?
      Last September Eaton closed its doors;

      This September it's the turn of Knob Hill Farm.

      Is it only happened by chance?

      My ex-landlord suffered a lot from the closure of Eaton, because both the father and the son were working there. After they lost the Eaton jobs, the father found another one, which is $5 less per hour. But the son hadn't found any ...

      Nowaday the Knob Hill will kill 800 jobs.
      • I guess it's the best time to close some business before they lose more during Thanksgiving and Xmas?