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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 大家好,小弟向各位前辈请教了:小弟电子专业,学士学位,在通信行业从事硬件开发一年有余,现在准备申请,请教各位,我的情况申请成功机会多大,在加半年内找到工作的机会多大? 小弟先谢过!
    • No problem!
      You sure will be successful easily, but maybe will wait for sometime,because now so many people apply for it!
      • thank you very much! Would you tell me that how to verity an agent Corp' validity?
        • I am not very sure!
          Although I have checked some immigrate corporations, but I am not very sure about which way to chose is best. As to me ,a good reputation is the first thing.