


  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 有问题请教斑竹及其他移友。 本人想到加国之后读书,真不知道是应该现在申请学校还是等登录加国之后再申请。 后者太浪费时间了,而前者在下实在没什么头绪。望诸位赐教。被人不胜感激。
    • you can ask for application kit and do it now. even u apply as int'l student, u can change your status as soon as you land in canada. not big issue.
      • go to the school's website, and they will mail application kit to you
        but sometimes canadian schools don't respond int'l request promptly, but you can keep sending your request by email or phone calls. good luck.
      • thank u all.