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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 我要开始学习java了,痛苦阿
    • 干吗学java ... ... 痛苦的话?
    • 为了好的工作,我们在不断的学习
    • I hope you begin to learn Java because you are having a painful time, not you are painful because you are forced to handle Java.
      • MMMMmm, ?
        It's time to back to school( not training school) to learn real computer science.
        • 现在连多大的毕业生找工作都困难,你YORK U学完有能怎么样?
        • The point is that one needs to commannd some true skills and English
          Even MS in CS from some schools have great difficulties in getting jobs. They have learned a lot of cources, but they have no deep experiences in any fields. A diploma or a degree does not imply a job, but some more moral support.