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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我大学的专业是管理信息系统(MIS),现在工作搞的是电信计费系统(数据库、网络一类的)。我想上学,请问我是选学CS呢还是管理、财会呢?我不太想整天对着电脑,而且还面临贬值的危险?我该考GRE还是GMAT?恳请各位人士给个建议!谢谢!
    • 考GMAT 读管理
    • management is better for you, since you don't have strong CS background for graduate study.
      but if you are confident about yourself, your value definitely won't depreciate------at least slower than low-ranking MBA, which can be obtained by anybody who has working experience.