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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 本人有个建议,这里是和谐的天地,请不要过多谈论所谓的政治话题。另外 我还有个想法,我们来这里的有老移民与准移民,希望我们大家作为华人最 主要的是不要忘了大家从哪里来的,中国政府不等于中国,无论如何将来都 不能做损害中国的事情。
    • 纯小通知的决定无比光荣伟大,尖脚支持!
    • 能不能在不违反加拿大法律的条件下,于本论坛之中实现言论自由?我想这不至于使此论坛的主题改变,因为我们是因为移民才走到一起的。
      • 当然,如果您是斑竹,我无条件同意。
    • I an not willing to offend you. You know why I leave mainland? Don't to be treated as children/fool and being teached by government to do this or not to do that.
      I dislike talking about politic topics, but I donot want anybody acting as a tutor. Mind your own business, better not try to guide other's thoughts, this is belief of freedom. Simple, I dislike the way you express "希望...",
      though I love china more and more when I left it.
      • Not sure what you are talking about, it is too complicated. To make it simple, just do it this way ---- If a foreigner unkindly looks down China and/or the government of China, fight against him and play him black and blue.
        • Hi, there, again! I am telling that we are adults, We know what we should do under certain circumstance. Do not try to teach others, most of them are more knowledgeable and more responsible than you imagined.
          • Hi, who do you think you are that you can set YOUR rules here? If you always feel being taught, I can give you a lession. If you don't like such a topic, just keep quiet, otherwise I'll force you to shut up. ---- Joking
            • 老兄,算了。笔名是“聪聪”与下面一位笔名为“yang "是同一个人,口气是如此的相同,连英语的书写习惯都一样,呵呵。这些人常常这样,只希望 自己民主,但是却连听取别人一点建议的信心都不存在。呵呵,中国人特别是从大陆来的所谓“民主派”都是这个脾气,呵呵
              • It seems you are too smarter than I imagined, haha..
    • what hell you are talking about? who are you? if you don't like, you can move to another topic or go to other place. We don't like your touge. We are adult too.
      • 我写的是建议,会中文的是应看的懂了。如果过多的谈论所谓政治很有可能使国内的网友看不到这个论坛的,当然用代理可以。而且某些敏感的话题很有可能被人利用。我来这论坛很久了,他最吸引人的地方是温馨,是友爱。现在ROLIA 有点变了,越来越俗了
        • 人多了,自然就变俗了,呵呵。
        • 谁都不能改变自己是中国人的事实,所以我们还是少批评中国,多讨论怎样在这个白人社蝗松缁崂锔
          • Yes. I'll support no one if I don't support China and its government.
        • 您别告诉我们您现在已经讨厌这里,如果这里不作出改变,您就要以永远离开这里作威胁。那么我告诉您,Rolia没有强迫您,您的离开不会使她关门,您的来去是
          • 你这人真的很奇怪,我只是谈一下我的感受,你的反映就这么大。我来不来这是轮不上你讲的。ROLIA现在是与以前有点不同了,早期来的人会有这种感受的。还有一点,你好象很喜欢替人作推断似的,请别这样,我们可以观点不同,但不代表非要恶语相加。
            • 我觉得我的反应
      • Please be polite!
    • Yes, I support you. I actually love China, and support the government whichever it was, it is and it will be, even it might not be always as good as we expect. And I know it changes.
      • "Support the goverment whichever it was, it is and it will be.."? 是不是太盲目了?爱国不是爱情, 应该是理智的。
        • because we believe it is improving itself always, forever! every government has nice officer and bad guy, remember! there were so many great officers dedicate themselves to us people!