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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 公司没活干,昨天终被lay off 了,可以在家过几天拿失业金,天天上rolia的FB 日子,休息休息,重头再来。BTW,各位大虾,除了拿失业金,还能享受政府什么福利?总算税没白交。
    • 只要你活得下去,就别想什么福利。另外,失业金的来源不是税款,而是失业保险。
      • 听说上什么学可以免学费?
        • You will get tax credit from your tuition. So that u pay less tax when you claim your tax from government.
          • 如果我没领失业金,学费不是也可以退税吗?
            • 是呀。
        • 不知是不是有上什么学免学费一说?哪位大虾知道?
          • 一定有的,但我不清楚.但你只能上短期的培训学院,还得是政府认可的.
    • Hi, lazycat, this time you can become a real cat, eating and sleeping everyday.
      • really. plus study cooking. and receive money at the same time. hehe.........
        • any good dishes did you cook? I can teach you how to make pizza.
          • thank you. what i cook is just feed myself, nothing else, far from delicious. i like food which is easy to cook. is pizza easy to study?
            • Pizza is very easy to cook actually and is delicious. I thought you also feed your cat and dog except yourself.
              • i don't understand why you mean i also feed my cat and dog?
                • Just a kidding, girls like little pets. Do you like cat or dog? Cats are more lovely, but dogs are very friendly.