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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 郑重声明!! 现有一个guest随便使用本人自96年就开始用的ID和NICK, 本人现在表示强烈抗议.
    虽然我很尊重guest的发言权, 也非常喜欢这位guest的大虾餐. 可是现在你已经侵犯了我的nickname权,并 引起很多朋友的误解. nickname即使不是有版权的,但是却有唯一性, 是不容侵犯的.
    基于这点, 我强烈要求改变我已经投给guest的一票. 另根据多年泡BBS的经验, 衷心希望取消所有guest发言权,如果你想发言的话,请务必注册ID. 否则我们的rolia将会变成一个乱七八糟的地方.
    • 请先交仲裁费250。呵呵。
    • 如果是这样的话这个GUEST也太不道德了,面壁思过,另外取消GUEST的资格.
      • maybe that guest is someone who has ID here but oppose guest participation, so he use this method to annoy miss cherry to change her support to guest. please be careful!
        • 这到不一定, 我还没有这么有号召力, 他们没必要这么做吧.
          • not only refer to you, miss cherry. you can notise the farmer has also changed his opinion by this method. don't forget, now is the time to vote for guest right here. we should be careful treating this purposely registered nickname usage by guest!
            • 另外我要说的是, 每个人的忍耐力都有个极限. 在此之前, 我对guest没有什么特殊的感觉,即使昨天还有人用guest来骂我, 我都是谈笑风生的, 甚至还为他们说话. 可是...
              今天有人用了我的nick, 我的极限就到了. 虽然我知道那个guest可能是在和我开玩笑, 是好意. 可是通过这个问题, 从新引起了我对guest这个问题的思考. 牺牲了我一个nick没什么,可是广大网友才是最重要的.
              如果一小撮guest再胡乱发言的话, 一定会影响我们大家庭的安定团结的.
              • so, that's the limit you can bear, miss? sigh! as a human being, and what's more, a female human being, we cannot expect more on you!
                • 我说了, 牺牲我一个没有什么, 为的是自己的利益. 另外, 我教教你吧, 那就是千万别和女人讲道理, 虽然我是个很讲道理的女人:P嘿嘿..
                  • 开始的时候是不习惯,但是讲啊……讲啊……慢慢就习惯啦,不论你是不是一个讲道理的女人,因为俺就是那玉树临风的……
    • 我觉得不要取消GUEST的发言权为好,也许别人从92年就开始用"樱桃"这个名字了呐?虽然现在她来这里比你晚,可是正如小孩子出生起名字,和别人重名的也不在少数,所以叫GUEST没有什么问题啦.倒是有一个建议:
      建议SAILOR将GUEST的ID用特别颜色显示,这样大家一眼就能分辨哪个是注册的"樱桃", 哪个是GUEST"樱桃"了.
      • one more suggestion. guest can participate but only has guest ID without any other nickname. only registered ID could have nickname.
      • 如果也有guest用‘飞雪浮冰‘来发表文章,你的感觉如何?I really can not understand why guests cannot register their own names?????
        • or, guest ID can only have nickname other than registered nicknames.
          • 对啊,查一下重嘛。
        • 其实就是取消GUEST发言权又能如何?如果我注册一个farmers,名字也叫农夫,不也一样?
          • you cannot.
            • Why can not? It's flying_snow, just a test :-)
              • 你这是恶意冒充别人的nickname,告诉sailor可以按注册时间先后,将后来的剔除。但guest就不同了,随时可以冒充你的大名,混淆视听
          • 那我们就可以商量了,最起码我们知道谁与我们的名字相同。但guest就不同,任何人都可以以guest登陆,叫‘农夫‘,‘飞雪浮冰‘‘樱桃‘。。。
          • 注册的时候ID和nickname都是有唯一性的吧. 所以即使没有guest, 如果你要人家不认识你的话, 你可以注册一个全新的ID, 就好象零碎的另外一个ID是??(忘了)一样. 一点也不影响发言权呀.
            • 请参看#79057的效果,NICKNAME重复了,ID很相象,但那是我,而不是INTHESKY. :-)
              • test, 可是最起码可以在id里看出来你比他多一个S. 而guest的话, 怎么区分呢? --樱桃
                • 如果那人注册365个ID,每天用一个,可以用一年你还是不知道是哪个GUEST,区分不区分是哪个GUEST我觉得问题不大,关键是看他/她的发言是否得当.如果有人用我的名字贴了很有质量的帖子,那是我借了光,若相反,细心人会发现那是GUEST的. :-)
                  • 谁那么无聊, 那么累呀.
                    • all kinds of people exist! if all talk with real name, there's no difference between net and real life. we want dreamed life online, we use bbs to commute thoughts, not only make friends.
                      • it's communicate, not commute..
                      • hey, my name is curious. what's yours?
                        • name is nothing online. forget it! you can call them anything you like.
              • 人家还以为你是在用guest发言, 可是还用了自己的nick呢. 所以我还是提倡发言光明正大.
      • there's already too many colors now...
      • 如果这么说的话, 也总得有个先来后到的问题吧. 另外, 他也可以和我打个招呼呀, 不说,我怎么知道他想要这个nick呢?! 对不对?
        很多BBS都有guest的功能, 可是都不可以发言. 相信最初我们这里有guest是为了增加"收视率", 可是现在我们已经有固定的用户群了呀, 就没有必要让这些guest来发言了吧. 另外一个角度来考虑, 我们用优势和缺点来比较一下. 首先想想它的缺点, 1.用guest随便骂人2.用guest攻击其他网友3. 用guest的nick name乱改其他网友的昵称. 4. 造成我们已存的网友的不合.
        再想想它的好处,1. 有网友在公司上网,只能用guest发言2. 如果某网友参与争论的时候,为了保持自己的声誉, 所以用guest发言. 3. 不用注册,省事 4.我暂时想不出来. 所以我希望大家一起来用这种办法来讨论一下, 它是否有可存在性.
        • guest can express its opinion more freely, and will not cause hate between real people. the most good aspect of BBS is the free expressing opinion, when we are online, we want to hear real thought, not limited by his nickname, right?
          • shut up! you assh***! how free is that?!
            • curious is enjoying his biggest best most freedom here!!! but, if that makes you happy, go ahead, why not?
      • This is a good idea...
    • 其实我开始用的FANG的NICKNAME也是别人用过的,所以我一直用GUEST直到该名.
      • not only refer to somebody. these repeating purposely usage of registed nicknames by guest ID now has, to some degree, got its effect. remember, now is the time to vote for guest rights here.
        • GUEST,你别老跟着我好吗?我真有点害怕,最近YORK闹鬼,我比较敏感.
          • Are u afraid? Take it easy. It's even worse to use 阿芳 to follow your post
          • a question for afang, why you always appear after "lingsui" appearance? ha ha, just kidding. don't be scared! just by chance guest be put after you.
            • 你不会是ER2 GOU3 ZI1 吧
              • How do u know?