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  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 请问怎么把outlook里的东西全备份下来,包括收件箱、已发送邮件、文件夹……以备重装机器时不致全军覆灭啊?
    • if OUTLOOK, u just need backup 2 files, say xxx.pst and xxx.pab, pab file means Personel Address Book, the PST file is for the rest, like email, calender, contact, etc. U can go to outlook > Tools > Service to check the name and path.
      • 谢谢啊!我找着了!导入的时候只要它们都归位就行了吧。
        • you don't need import, when you start outlook first time, just make the path point to these 2 files.
          • 明白啦。:)
      • 在windows/application data/identities/目录下,不过,都是DBX后缀的文件。后来又在program files/outlook express目录下发现了一些wab什么的。多谢你!这样我的找工作已发邮件就能移到新买的机器上啦。
        • good luck,
        • The .DBX files are where your mails storaged in...If you are using Outlook Express 4.0, you can read the content of the .DBX files by notepad and wordpad...hoho...