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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / Re #6899: 中档游泳衣在加拿大多少钱?长风衣(没有棉衣厚)穿得多吗。男士过冬除羽绒衣外, 什么外衣是御寒必要的?
    • swim suit can be as cheap as 15 for girls, 10 for guys. 长风衣is often to see in downtown in Fall, many white guys wear it, no matter加厚or 薄的.羽绒衣或者毛大衣或者皮衣
    • btw, I think you can find what you want in 武汉广场,which is my favorite place to shop.
      • Thanks! I am luck enough to find some quiet nice apperal in Wuhan Plaza! Guest, how do you know I'm in Wuhan? 在多市买游泳衣有合适中国人尺寸的吗?12.26通常泳衣、床垫和计算机会打折?
        • I got it from your other posts.
          swimming suits are very cheap after mid of summer. I believe you can find your size.
          Don't believe in Boxing Day.
          You can compare price of computers among www.futureshop.ca, www.staples.ca, and free newspaper(Computer Paper).
          And I buy most furnitures from IKEA(www.ikea.com).
    • Do I need to bring many T-shirts to there? because it is too cold in Canada.
      • If you come to Toronto, bring them and any summer clothing. It's hot in the summer.