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  • 枫下沙龙 / 站务管理 / I did some minor change to the forum list, regarding the "guest" issue.
    It's my fault to cause so much chaos, now the guest's post will be signed like "guest:sailor" and cause no confusing. Hope this can satisfy every friend.

    Please feel free to keep posting your comments or suggestions, so that I understand what's wrong with the system.
    • This is a test
      • i don't care.
      • this is a test
      • tt
        • try again
        • i can post here at last
      • great!
    • 那么投票还算不算?
    • noticed....Thank you so much for your hard work on this furom...
    • It's my test
      How do u like it?
    • 最好把guest的nickname去掉. 否则还是会出争端的.
      • It's good enough lah....reader can tell who's who with ease now.
        • 可是当人家用我nick的时候, 我还是不comfortable.
          • Pls refer to #78941...did I hit the point? hoho...
            • inthesky同志太了解女性心理了!!!!!!! 你怎么知道我不喜欢和别人穿一样的衣服???!!!! 希望sailor能考虑一下我们的心理和建议. 毕竟个人的ID和nick都是自己精心想出来的, 而且有特殊意义, 当然不希望老被人用啦.
              • try to understand others from the same point you are thinking, maybe they have to use the same names as you, just because the name has the same meanings as to you. BTW, you can discuss with her friendly.
                • 我还不够心平气和呀? 我骂他们了吗? 我说我恨他们了吗? 拜托, give me a break, ok?! 给sailor一个面子, 我不想再讨论这个问题了. 谢谢.
              • 是呀, 小心下次又被别人当坎肩儿穿。嘿嘿。。
              • 呵呵,想当年俺追俺领导的时候……hoho……
        • sky帮我来解决一下心病好了.
          • cherry, I guess you wouldn't like cherry2 too, ha ha! there are too many things we don't like in this world, but they still exist, right? I hope you can take it easy! just like you meet someone in real life who has the same name with you.
            • 我还真没碰见过我和同名的朋友. 虽然我知道会有很多. 要不您老帮我找找得了.不过你是不是飞雪浮冰呀? 看着很象哦.
              • don't care who I am, just a friend. we can encounter many surprises online, that's why everyone loves it. don't look for the same name, if you don't like it, ha ha ha!
                • and, you can see, guest cannot have nickname from now on, so don't worry!
                  • No, I don't think so
              • 不是我,我现在是"尘埃"(一脸肃穆端庄如老僧入定状) ;-P
    • btw, the nickname is allowed duplicated.
      The real unique ID here is your userid, and it's shown everywhere to distinguish you.

      Some people may have the same nick, like "John", or "Linda". People generally don't want their nicks to be something like "LindaP" or "John2.0", hehe. This makes the nickname duplicatable. So, open your eyes to the nicknames displaying on the screen.
      • 很好。本来名字就有重复的嘛。
      • But I just don't understand why not put the ID before the nickname? Can you tell me your concern?
        • Good point. Now the naming is like BBS style.
          • 哎...支持领导决定. 看来我得把nick改成真的樱桃了.
    • NICE :-)
      • Is it?
    • 很好。斑竹思维真敏捷,决策真英明,行动真果敢。(干这行真不容易。)
      • guest:真 ROLLOR, if you mean friendly, thanks! please be noted that sailor and us won't be hurt by difference, as we all know this is life, variety is not avoidable. so we get this decision. we cannot change the whole world, but we can face it.
        • 谢谢指教。上文是我写的,我是真心的。由于我不愿意在别人的电脑上登录,我有时候不得不用GUEST发言,请原谅。
    • hi, i'm very grateful for the site and like it very much. but why did you delete almost all my message? don't understand.
    • what is the criteria for deleting others' messages? it's very discouraging. curious