


  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问:用显示器纸箱作为航空托运行李箱,托运时是否会损坏。我一朋友铁路托运行李至北京就损坏严重。
    • anything could be possible. but if it happens in air canada flight, they will have to take care of your loss.
    • 我一个人带2个17''显示器纸箱作为航空行李箱(每个长宽高加起来都是162CM, 略大于158CM的限制,担两个加起来肯定超过268CM),航空空司在托运行李时会检查仔细么?另外手提行李加航可以带几件?
      • The same question!
      • The best way is:

        Only the agent can give you correct answer.

        Because different airlines have different policy. For my experience with Canadian Airlines, 2 big cases plus a backpack is ok. But other airlines may have their own rules.

        Also you may go to the airlines' website and search for "luggage" or "baggage". More or less you get some helpful info.

        Good luck.
      • Get an answer.
        I have phoned Canadian Air line Beijin Office. They said the rule is strict. If we broke the rule, we will lose 2,040 RMB. She suggested me to go to the shop then I would find it. OK, let's search in the shop with the tape measure.
    • 有谁知道在北京那里可以租到面的,我的托运行李是两个17“显示器纸箱,普通的出租车塞不下。朋友们都是用是么车送到机场的?
      • 你决定以身试法了吗?
        • 加航关于新移民乘机的行李规定:  根据加航的新规定(好象比以前宽松了一些),我带2个显示器纸箱作托运行李应该没问题吧。
          A 2人以上一起旅行的家庭,可多1件免费行李,再多一件享受半价优惠.
          B 如1人旅行,多1件托运行李享受半价优惠.
          每人免费行李等值CNY 1000元
          • OK. take a risk, but don' foget to share your experience with us.
            • 请问用纸箱托运方便运输吗?听说在温哥华转机要自己搬行李。
              • 很多人用纸箱,可以装的东西多一些。在机场有免费行李车使用。