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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 今天到MONSTER的加拿大网站查了一下有关关键字,发觉IT行业就业形势在很长的一段时间里不容乐观
    C ++ 220
    JAVA 253
    C++ & JAVA 94
    扣除过时及重复等几个因素,实际需求量估计大约是上面的一半.这些需求估计消化那些被LAYOFF的专业人士都困难. 我认为这种局面将持续相当长的一段时间,如果IT行业没有新的大的热点出现(就像去年前年WEB设计,JAVA编程以及前些年的Y2K问题).
    • 有些JAVA短训班因为市场不好都解散了
    • Believe me, those good days of IT guys won't come again. From now on, new hands must pay doubled or quadrupled prices to get in the field.
      • not agree.只是大气候不好。待得经济好转,还一样热门,至少十年内应该这样。流行的技术可能会不一样,但现在还看不出可以替代手工programming的东西。
        • Indeed, competent programmers can still make a good living. But it is more difficult for green hands to get opportunites.
          30 hour's Java training cannot produce descent programmers.
        • 关键在于那个无法琢磨的供求关系!高科技是好,可是其他行业的发展如果没有大的发展,也就没有太多的资金用于购买高科技。这次的衰退就是大家对高科技的需求估计过高造成的!
      • I can't agree with you, actually IT doesn't equal Programmer, Developer.
        • Academically, you are right. Unfortunately, most Chinese IT guys are developers and programmers.
          • In fact, the programmer is the best now. others almost have no chance.
    • 我听说IBM的E-business Dpt 要LAY OFF 300人.
      • many companies went out of business already, but not many outsiders even know that.
      • 300 is just a very small number these days. it happens in many other companies, and is ignored ... nortel -- 15000 cisco -- 8000 JDS -- 6000 Dell -- 4500 Lucent -- 80000 DNT -- 4000 the list goes on and on ...