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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 请教关于买CONDO和TOWNHOUSE
    请问有买过CONDO的朋友,在多伦多,1个 12-13 万的 2 BED ROOM 的CONDO的maintenance fee每月大概多少?HEAT/HYDRO多少?PROPERTY TAX多少?
    • Maintenance fee is around $350-$450.
      Hydro and utility are included in maintenance fee. You had better choose condo using gas. If the building use electricity, maintenance fee is high. Property tax is about $1000 per year. So monthly expenditure is mortgage+property tax+maintenance fee.
      • 这是一次付清全部房款后每月还要交的费用?抵押是指什么?全加起来,好像每月要付700多?
        • condo fee has nothing to do with morgage. even you buy the property with 100% cash, you still need to take care of property tax and maintenance fee(condo fee)
          • 哦,那就是一次付清后,没有mortgage了,每月只要交condo fee $400,每年再交一次property tax?另外,买房时,是不是还有一些one time fee要交?
            • yes. as to the one time fee, it could include land transfer tax, disbursements charge, lawyer fee etc.
    • 我们刚买了一个twonhouse。你有兴趣我们可以交流。
      • 我也想买CONDO 或TOWNHOUSE,可以介绍一下找房的经过吗?价钱 地点管理费等是多少。我看了几间CONDO,知道CONDO的大概情况, TOWNHOUSE ,NO IDEA。
        • 因为我们买的新房,就没有太多找房经过。就先把地点定下来,然后找那附近在盖的房子,去他们的sales center然后决定买。我们这twon house 是叫free hold的那种,没有管理费的,但gas,hydro,什么的要自己负担,小花园也得自已打理。
          • I just bought a condo after half a year living in rented townhouse. I like condo,
            it's clean and quiet. Maintenance fee inlude everything you need care about. because I don't want to be a tenant nor landlord
            • Can u tell me more detail of ur condo?how much?location?downpayment?and monthly pay?Thanks
              • It cost me about140K, addtional 2000 paid for lawyer. monthly morgage repayment 700, plus maintainance fee 350
                • 公寓面积有多大,在什么地区?
                  • 1100-1200 inch ( i have no idear how to convert to Square, maybe 100??) 2 bedrooms, 1 dem, 2 bathrom, ,,,
                    • Is that kind old one? 2 bedroom plus den, 1000+sq feet, kinda cheap, $200,000 market value at least if it's a decent one.
      • 有15万加币能买house吗?
        我是这么打算的: 想法带15万加币出去,在加买一套house,自己自住一层,另一层及basement出租,这样既可解决住房问题又能解决生活问题,就可不比必急着找工作或许就读读书什么的,象这样能不能维持一家三口的生活呢?等经济好转再慢慢找工作。 在哪个城市买比较好?如何按揭?
        • 勉强能买townhouse
          • gg996: townhouse一般要多少钱,例如多伦多,4rooms,2bathes+basement,首期一般交多少?
            • 我还真不太清楚,我有个朋友是17万卖掉的,大概是3年新的,首期我想这看你自己了,最好一次付清,我才不想交那么多利息.
            • 他的房子是3rooms,2bathes,但是basement是装修过的.
        • 15万加币只能买一个很远地区的很小很小的house. 想要4个bedroom,只能去某个小镇买,在多伦多地区,想都别想。
        • 去Calgary吧。我认识几个朋友,买的房子价格从13万到25万不等,至少有两个人是靠出租来付morgage的。不过都是去年和前年的事了,今年房价可能涨了。因为那边经济太火了。
    • Vancouver Condo Maintenance Fee
      We just bought a new condo. Property Tax is about $1,300 a year and maintenance fee is $115 a month, including gas and management fee. As I know condo maintenance fee is reviewed yearly and depend on the age of condo and facilities in condo. Old condo's maintenance fee will go as high as over $200 in Vancouver. Some condo with swimming pool, gym room and club. The maintenance for those condo must be high.