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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 看这里很多朋友比较热闹。我研究生毕业以后一直搞机器人研究在学校,现在又读了博士,移民加拿大好找工作吗?先考雅思后申请,还是先排队后靠雅思。请各位大侠指点,当然还有许多问题要问
    • 研究机器人的?让俺想起了一位朋友,85年就出来了,先拿了工科博士,研究机器人。找不着好工作又去读牙医,总算在99年开了自己的牙科诊所。
      • 真的就是IT的好找工作吗?其实机器人就是自动化领域,加拿大没有工业吗?我还是很热爱我的本行工作的呀,非得改行吗?
        • 现在 是 IT才不好找工作。TSE三百指数除去NORTEL的部分创历史新高!NORTEL作孽啊!整个就业市场一片乱!
        • 真正可以搞研究的移民来这里太可惜了,想搞本专业只好曲就做博士后,但也不是长久之际鸭!不象我等混混儿随便站个坑就算了。当然若你已经学,用有所成,够本了,想出来改行也无可非议,只是希望你再斟酌一下。
          • 那如果改行,加拿大有研究所、公司和工厂可以去吗?一般象国内去的人能到研究部门吗?还是只能给人家做辅助工作?
            • 搞研究的人,我认识的还没有找到本专业professional工作的,100%是大材小用。
    • Not bad opportunity for AC major. Why not go to search canada university website, I know several of them have post-doctor scholar position. It is a waste of your talent if you work for some junior work.
      • thank you. 多伦多大学研究的方向同我们的方向很接近,但是国外承认国内的学历吗?是先联系博士后还是移民博士后同时联系?有过这方面的经历吗?博士后出来能找到工作吗?
        • See inside
          Of course apply at the same time. But U of T is a little bit competitive. You can try. As to whether they recognize your degree or not, it depends heavily on your university. If it is famous, it will be good for you. Also you need to have the "hardware", for example, three or four papers on IEEE. Otherwise it will be extremely difficult, I know U of T has a facaulty position open, and about one hundreds candidates apply, all PH.D holder in here.
          • to rumba
            how about other universities. Because i have no papers on IEEE , where do the candidates come from?from China?
            • Ph.D degree holder from North America. If no IEEE paper, my friend, frankly speaking, it will be like sun rise from the west for you to get it.
    • 老友,你是工大机器人研究所的吗?
      • 不是。你也是搞机器人的吗?
    • 别泄气。其实作研究也不是死路一条。比如说,北美大学许多系都有Chinese faculties,他们之中许多人学问与研究都作得不错。其实,在许多非计算机行业,只要你足够cool,也能物有所值!
      • 麻烦问一下,你说的这些faculties里边有多少是中国毕业的博士?
      • Take it easy, buddy. People need encouragement.
        • But you got to tell them the truth first!
    • 真要过来就走学校的路,不然浪费了你。
      • 加拿大哪里学校相对容易些,咱总不能往象清华在国内的地位那样学校里硬挤。
        • 啊呀,我对这个可不了解啊。不过,如果要走学术型的路子,你为什么不尝试去美国呢?
        • My advice
          Take the GRE and go to US university for a PH.D. Start everything from beginning. I promise you will not regret when you get that degree. (of course it should be in EE or CS). GRE is a testing stone, haha. However if you are older than 30, forget this way.